
Centralized Configuration Management

PressGang adopts a centralized approach to configuration, storing settings in dedicated files within the config directory. This structure simplifies the management and updating of theme settings, ensuring a clean and organized codebase.

How It Works

  1. Config Files: Individual PHP files within the config directory contain associative arrays that define settings for various theme components.

  2. Loading and Configuration: Loading of config files is handled in the Bootstrap namespace via the FileConfigLoader and ConfigLoaderInterface used to read and merge the configuration settings, supporting hierarchical overrides (e.g., child theme settings overriding parent theme settings). The Configuration namespace provides singleton classes that take the config settings and apply the necessary logic to them.

  3. Central Access Point: The Config class provides static methods to retrieve settings, ensuring a single point of access and enabling caching for performance.

Benefits for Theme Development

  • Streamlined Workflow: By adhering to a convention over configuration philosophy, PressGang reduces the overhead associated with setting up and maintaining theme configurations.

  • Enhanced Maintainability: The clear separation of configuration concerns into dedicated files makes the codebase easier to navigate and maintain.

  • Flexibility: Developers can easily extend and customize the theme by adding new configuration files or modifying existing ones without affecting the overall structure.

This documentation should provide a comprehensive understanding of the configuration approach in PressGang and how it supports efficient and maintainable theme development. For further details, refer to the PressGang GitHub repository.

Config Files

All files are present in the config folder of the PressGang theme. These can be overridden and modified to uniquely configure your child theme by following the same directory structure.

acf-options.php Manages Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) options.

actions.php Handles custom actions within the theme.

block-categories.php Registers custom block categories for the Gutenberg editor.

block-patterns.php Defines and registers block patterns.

blocks.php Manages block registration for Gutenberg.

color-palette.php Configures custom color palettes for the theme.

context-managers.php Manages context providers for Timber.

custom-post-types.php Registers and configures custom post types.

custom-taxonomies.php Defines and registers custom taxonomies.

dequeue-styles.php Handles dequeueing of styles.

deregister-scripts.php Manages deregistration of scripts.

menus.php Registers navigation menus.

meta-tags.php Manages meta tag configurations.

nodes.php Handles custom node configurations.

plugins.php Manages plugin-related configurations.

query-vars.php Registers custom query variables.

remove-menus.php Configures removal of specific menus.

remove-nodes.php Manages removal of custom nodes.

remove-support.php Handles removal of theme support features.

routes.php Configures custom routes.

scripts.php Registers and manages scripts.

shortcodes.php Manages shortcode registrations.

sidebars.php Registers widget sidebars.

snippets.php Manages code snippets and includes.

styles.php Registers and manages styles.

support.php Adds theme support features.

twig-extensions.php Configures Twig extensions for Timber.

widgets.php Manages widget registrations.

Example usage:

Here is an example of registering a custom post type via the config. The associative array arguments match the register_post_type args.


return [
    'event' => [
        'label' => 'Events',
        'description' => 'A custom post type for events.',
        'public' => true,
        'has_archive' => true,
        'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-calendar',
        'supports' => ['title', 'editor', 'excerpt', 'custom-fields'],
        'taxonomies' => ['category', 'post_tag'],
        'rewrite' => [
            'slug' => 'events',
            'with_front' => false
        'show_in_rest' => true,

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